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Tapped: A Love on the Rocks Novella


  A Love on the Rocks Novella

  Cora Cade




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  About the Author

  Also by Cora Cade

  Copyright © 2016 by Cora Cade

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This one’s for my tribe. For the women that never lose faith in me, even when I do.

  Hollie Rieth, Joann Follmer, Juliette Cross, Mandi Beck, Maureen Downey, Nikki Brandyberry, Rebekah Williams


  Georgia Burke slipped a hand down her hip, smoothing her favorite skirt in place as the summer breeze whipped across the lake. The last thing she needed was to flash the Drunken Duck patrons on the patio a look at her girly bits. Granted, they were covered in her sexiest pair of cream lace panties, and she was here to pick up a hot man to do the dirty with, but her newfound brazen spirit only went so far.

  If she was lucky it would actually survive until she ordered a drink at the bar.

  Georgia's confidence crumbled as she made her way to the front entrance of the pub and a group of guys on the patio started laughing. Two pointed at her and the third whipped his head around to see her. They all had classically good looks, short hair and lean muscles behind fitted t-shirts. Young. They snickered at her expense again, but she squared her shoulders and moved into the interior of the pub.

  Fuck them and their frat boy mentality.

  Women came in all shapes and sizes, and if they expected every female to fit their version of sexy, they were going to be sorely mistaken when they got out in the real world.

  Georgia put a little extra swing into her walk as she gathered her confidence again. She had great tits and a curvy build with no shame in showing off. It might've taken years to find that confidence, only to have it knocked back by her last boyfriend, but she wasn't letting any man dictate how she felt about herself ever again.

  Fuck that and fuck them.

  And with that final thought, she took her size sixteen ass straight to the mahogany bar and ordered a very nice local craft beer on tap. The little pixie behind the bar served it up without fuss and started Georgia a tab.

  While she was sipping at her beer and scoping out the crowd, a body bumped into her right arm. The beer splashed down the front of her fitted, white shirt, highlighting the lace bra underneath for anyone to see. After setting her half empty beer down, Georgia turned to face the guy who had yet to apologize or acknowledge he was most definitely in her personal space. It might be a Friday night on the lake, but it was still relatively early and the place wasn't busting at the seams yet.

  It was one of the college boys from the patio. He had a self-satisfied smirk on his face, staring down Georgia's top but never really looking at her face.

  "Nice rack for a fat chick."

  Before she could speak up, the petite bartender scooped up her glass and handed over a stack of bar napkins. "Apologize to the lady."

  "It was an accident."

  The bartender, all five feet nothing of her, leveled the kid across from her with a glare that could melt the skin off his face and said, "Acting like a dick in my bar will get your ass kicked out. Now apologize."

  "Babe, this isn't even your bar. And I'm a paying customer. No one's kicking me out."

  Georgia raised a lone eyebrow at the kid's audacity, but the bartender across from her just threw her head back and laughed. And laughed some more.

  When she dropped her head back down there wasn't any lingering humor on her face. She was all business and looked a little bit deadly.

  "That mountain standing behind you," she lifted a finger to point at a very severe, and very large, man that appeared behind the frat boy, "is my husband."


  Georgia did a double take when the massive man slapped a hand down on the kid's shoulder. He was tall, well over six feet, built like a brick house, and completely bald. Dead sexy as well. But that was all secondary to how quickly the frat boy paled when he turned to face Molly's husband.

  "Cal, be a doll and show this dick and his friends off the property."

  The kid sputtered as Cal led him away with a firm grip without another word.

  Georgia turned around and faced Molly behind the bar. "Thanks, but you didn't have to kick anyone out because of me."

  Molly frowned. "Honey, those fucking clowns needed to go. They're predators and it was just a matter of time before Cal throat punched them. It was my pleasure."

  Even though she smiled, Georgia didn't know what to say in response to that, so she just started to mop up her wet shirt.

  "You vacationing here? Haven't seen you around before."

  "My brother lives here and I'm house sitting while he's road tripping with my nephew. I just got in this afternoon."

  "You're Dane Burke's kid sister? Georgia, right?"

  Georgia's head snapped up. "You know Dane?"

  Molly shrugged. "Small town. He's neighbors with a good friend of mine. Nice guy. Great kid."

  "Yeah, they're both pretty great."

  "Welcome to Fox Lake." She paused, placing a fresh beer down. "Your neighbor in the bungalow is Emma Rae, and her man is Gabe. You let any of us know if you need something while you're here."

  Georgia nodded, then sat back and took in the petite woman. Small town hospitality at its finest. She might actually like it here. "I appreciate that. I'm a little out of my element right now."

  Molly leaned forward and rested her arms on the bar before speaking. "Stop back in through the week sometime. It's typically quieter, and I'll buy you a drink. We're going to be friends, chick."

  Georgia let a slow smile spread across her face. "I'd like that, Molly."

  "Good. I'll be back to check on you in a bit. Crowds going to be picking up soon." She slapped a hand down on the bar before walking away.

  Georgia scanned the area again. It looked like everyone was paired off or in groups. So much for her grand plan to score a hot guy for some dirty sex. It was probably a dumb idea anyway. Just because you found your jerk boyfriend sticking it in your friend, in your bed, and in your apartment, doesn't mean snapping up a random dude at a bar was a good idea.

  But it definitely sounded like fun.


  Will Calder couldn't take his eyes off the shapely brunette at the bar. She had long hair pulled back in a fancy twist and a pair of glasses perched on her nose. With lips painted a deep red, she gave off a sexy librarian vibe.

  He might've come in for a quick pub dinner and a cold beer, but he was not leaving without chatting up the librarian. She dabbed at the wet spot on her white tee again and looked around, cataloging the crowd from one end to the other.

  "Boys." Will threw enough cash down to cover the group's dinner and stood, "I'm out."

  His crew made a couple of passing remarks, but were happy enough when he took care of the bill, they were half-hearted at best. Will smiled. They were a solid crew, but he was the boss, and he kept their outings pretty tame. Once he was out of the picture, they could cut up as much as they wanted.

Friday night crowd was getting thicker as people came off the lake and wanted to make the most of their time here. Will skirted around a few rowdy tables and made his way to the bar. He had his eye on the empty stool next to the librarian and was taken aback when his ex intercepted him.

  "Hey, Will."

  Fuck. The downside of small town living was running into your ex on the regular.

  "Tori." He glanced at the empty chair again, knowing his window was closing. As the crowd grew he'd lose an opportunity to get close to the fascinating woman drinking alone.

  Tori followed his gaze and frowned. "Really, Will? You're going to make a move on that when you can have me?"

  And that's exactly why they'd never worked out. Tori thought everything, and every man, revolved around her. Pretty, without a doubt. And she knew it. It had made for a very one-sided relationship. Something Will was happy to leave behind him. He wanted a partner, not a piece of arm candy.

  "Sorry, babe. Been there, done that." It was a shitty thing to say, but it guaranteed her outrage. And, as she stalked off, he wasn't sorry to see her go. Their relationship had been toxic from the start. He felt a little sorry for the next guy Tori got her claws into.

  Finally Will slid into the still empty bar stool and thanked the bar gods for the chance to meet the sexy librarian. He raised a hand to Molly, gaining her attention, before glancing to his left at the woman he had his sights on.


  She was sipping her beer and at his greeting she turned her face just a bit. Just enough Will could see her dark eyes behind those plastic frames crinkle in a smile. She sat her drink down before responding.

  "Hey, yourself."

  "Will Calder," he thrust a hand out.

  She took it with a smile, "Georgia."

  "Just Georgia? No last name?"

  "Just Georgia for now." She took a slow perusal of him from head to toe. "You might be a really attractive crazy person. Better safe than sorry."

  He reluctantly dropped her hand. "Fair point."

  He was still chuckling when Molly appeared. "What can I get you, Will?"

  "What's new on tap tonight?"

  "I've got a new Belgian you might prefer."

  "Sounds good, and how about another drink for Georgia here?"

  Molly gave him her patented no nonsense look. The woman was fierce and protective, and it appeared Georgia had already gained a friend. Because Will knew all the locals, and the luscious Georgia wasn't a townie. The thought gave him a little twinge. He wasn't a kid anymore and wasn't looking for a summer fling.

  When Georgia smiled up at him he forgot all about his good intentions. She was beautiful and he wanted to know her better. However he could make that happen. Molly sat their beers down and slid them across the polished mahogany bar.

  * * *

  An hour and several drinks later, Georgia had that warm floating feeling she got just before she toppled into one too many territory. Will was attractive, dark hair and eyes with perfectly defined muscles under his well worn jeans and concert tee. He wasn't pushy or staring at her tits on the regular.

  She wanted him to make a move, but he seemed perfectly content to chat with her as the bar filled up around them. He was an incredibly decent guy, and all Georgia could think about was getting him naked and riding him.

  While Will talked she found herself just staring at his mouth. Nice lips, perfect teeth, a dimple on one side when he smiled just right. Kissable.

  They were turned on their stools, knees touching, their heads close together in deference to the rising noise levels of the pub. It was getting steadily harder to hear one another, but Georgia wasn't upset about the scant distance between them. He smelled like sawdust and aftershave. For whatever reason that alone was enough to make her panties damp.

  Or maybe it was just Will. Deliciously fuckable Will.

  Georgia was sipping her water, determined not to overdo it tonight, when someone threw an elbow and she spilled her drink down her front again. She was a mess. At least it was water this time. Glancing up, she saw Will's face set in a grim line, and then a shrill female voice rose above the noise nearest them.

  "Oh, honey! I'm so sorry you spilled your water. On a diet, huh? I know all about how hard it is to keep your girlish figure."

  Georgia narrowed her eyes at the interloper. A very attractive and thin woman with viciously dyed hair and painted-on jeans.

  "Don't even worry your pretty little head about it." Georgia worked hard to keep the bite out of her voice, but she was so over people being assholes. "I'm sure Will doesn't mind the show much."

  As she waved a hand at the breast that was on display much like a wet t-shirt contest, Will's gaze zeroed in on the nipple poking through her lace bra. It was nice to know he wasn't completely immune.

  "No complaints here." He smiled and that lone dimple appeared. "Georgia, this unrepentant asshole is Tori Hicks. She's a local as well."

  "And his ex-girlfriend."

  Will didn't miss a beat. "And Tori, this is Just Georgia. She's a school teacher from Chicago and quite possibly the love of my life."

  Georgia turned in time to catch Tori's mouth fall open before she snapped it shut and said, "Don't be silly, Will."

  "Yeah, Will. Don't be silly. I can't be the love of your life if you haven't even kissed me yet."

  Georgia didn't hesitate. She grabbed Will by his shirt and tugged him across the distance separating them. They came together roughly, and Georgia felt the electricity from his mouth down to her toes.


  He might've been taken by surprise, but he wasn't a fool. When a woman planted one on you in a crowded bar, you took full advantage. Will let Georgia demand as she pleased, her grip firm and her lips soft, until she melted against him. Sliding his hand to cup her cheek, he took control of the kiss and slowed it down, enjoying the play of lips and a hint of tongue, before pulling away.

  For a stunned moment Georgia stared back at him, and the bar noise receded to nothing, and the moment stretched into something quiet and personal. Until Tori cleared her throat, breaking the spell.

  "Honey, Will doesn't go for women throwing themselves at him like a common tramp."

  He started to open his mouth to speak, but Georgia tossed a hand in the air stopping him. She turned slowly to face Tori, a wicked smile spreading across her face. "I know it's hard, losing out on such a great guy, but I suggest you back the fuck off before I lose my patience."

  There wasn't a kind word for the noise that escaped Tori's mouth. He'd call it a squawk, not unlike that of a chicken. Will could only laugh. Georgia had been nothing but perfectly polite all evening, but it was nice to see she had a backbone of steel to go with her sexy librarian look.

  Will pulled his wallet from his jeans and laid a couple of bills down to cover their tabs. He stood, gently tugging on Georgia's hand. Tori automatically stepped back and Will inserted himself between the women.


  She peered up at him. Even in her heels she barely reached his chin, and he found her unbelievably attractive. Smart, sexy, sassy. Fucking adorable.

  "Yes, Will?"

  "Since you are officially the love of my life, I think we should secure our honeymoon suite for the night."

  "Oh? And where would that be?"

  "My place is within walking distance."

  When Tori squawked again, Georgia fell into a fit of laughter that hit him right in the gut. She reached up to tug him down with a hand behind his neck and set her smiling mouth against his. Her amusement was contagious, and he chuckled low against her lips until she pressed her rounded shape against his harder body.

  Will's dick reacted immediately, taking a sweet kiss into erotic territory in less than thirty seconds. His erection became rather uncomfortable in his jeans. Georgia pressed even closer, and he knew she felt the proof of his arousal. Before he could pull away, she gave a throaty moan and bit his lower lip.

  Every bit of blood rushed from his head to his dic
k and, for a moment, he forgot they stood in a very crowded Drunken Duck with his bitchy ex-girlfriend less than a foot behind him. Georgia nipped at his lip one last time before stepping back and smoothing a hand down her skirt.

  "Your place sounds perfect."

  * * *

  It was a quick walk to Will's place. Less than ten minutes of stolen kisses and hot looks and they were on the porch of his white cottage with a silver tin roof. It was not what Georgia had expected. A perfectly manicured lawn with a picket fence and landscaping curved around the wraparound porch. It all led to a stunning view of the lake behind.

  Not only was this a prime spot of real estate, but it was distinctly homey and polished. A pair of bright blue rockers sat off to the side with lush ferns and potted plants placed artfully beside the front door. All it needed was two point three kids and a golden retriever playing in the yard to make it picture perfect.

  "This place is gorgeous. And that view is unbelievable."

  Will was unlocking the front door, "It's been a great location. Got lucky and picked the land up a few years ago pretty reasonable."

  "You had this built?" Georgia couldn't keep the surprise off her face. It had so much charm and warmth it didn't feel like a new build.

  "Yeah, it was a personal project."

  Before Georgia could continue her line of questioning, Will was pushing the door open where a massive dog waited patiently just inside the entrance. When Will held a hand up, the dog moved forward with a wiggly butt and a wagging tail to greet him.

  "This is Rowena." He looked up, gauging her response. "Do you like dogs?"

  "I adore dogs! Can I love on her?"

  "Rowe would like nothing better. She's deaf and can be a bit skittish with strangers, but warms up to women faster."

  Georgia got down on her knees and let Rowe greet her in her own time. After a thorough sniff and a quick lick to her hand, she moved in closer, and Georgia was able to give her a proper pat down and lavish some attention on her.