Morning Light: A Day of Pleasure, Book 1 Read online
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It was the sexiest discovery, to have her smooth and bare under his fingers. He wanted to lay her before him and lap at the delicate folds. The mere thought of feeling her roll into an orgasm as his tongue delved into her caused his every muscle to tighten and strain. He was near his breaking point.
Intending to caress her clit, he found his fingers slipping into her instead. Tenn gasped and rocked into his hand, forcing him deeper and deeper with every move she made.
“Come for me, baby. I want to feel you.” His words came out in a low, possessive growl. In an instant she was coming, her inner walls contracting around his fingers with a greedy grip.
“Oh.” With a soft sigh, she collapsed in his arms as he pulled from her body and tightened his grip on her hips. Kissing her neck and shoulders he gentled her as he willed his own body under control. She breathed one last sigh and he tugged her tank back into place, hiding her breasts from his view.
It was on the tip of his tongue to say her name and tell her how perfect she was to him when the telltale creak of someone joining them on the porch met his ears.
“Tenn?” Chris looked pissed.
Chapter Four
Tenn’s body snapped rigid as Chris spoke from behind her. She was wrapped around his brother like a crazy woman, completely hung over, and had experienced the most delicious orgasm of her life.
Peeling herself off Noah was a feat in and of itself, since her entire body was lax and unresponsive. He offered her a steadying hand as she got to her feet and wobbled for a second before finding her balance. He stood with her, laying a protective hand at her waist. Chris zeroed in on the movement and his face went stony.
Unsure of what to say, Tenn moved forward, stepping away from the protective shelter of Noah’s body. Chris looked angry, but hurt as well. Reaching out to him, she gripped his hand and started to speak. “Chris, I—”
He cut her off with a curt nod and stepped closer to her. Reversing their grips, he now held her by the wrist. With an angry whisper, he leaned into her face. “What are you doing? You’re not exactly Noah’s type of woman.” He raked his eyes down her disheveled appearance and when his gaze reached hers again, it was flat and full of hate. His grip tightened at her wrist as she tried to jerk free. “Was this your whole plan last night? Get trashed, throw yourself at my brother, and finally get laid?”
Tenn finally jerked her hand free, but not before the hateful words penetrated her heart. Tears sprang to her eyes, but she refused to cry in front of him. Instead, she looked him in the eye and said, “You are such an ass.” Turning to look at Noah, she included him. “You both need to leave.”
Chris hadn’t come right out and said it, but after nearly twenty years of friendship she knew him better than anyone, and it had all been there in the way he’d looked at her. Her best friend had looked her up and down and found her lacking.
It hurt more than she could have ever expected. Only Chris would know what would wound her the most. He had used her insecurities against her. It was the ultimate betrayal of their friendship, and he had used them to offer a killing blow.
Walking by Noah, she brushed his hand away when he reached for her. Tenn closed the back door on them both, leaving them standing on her porch.
Listening for any sounds that would indicate they were leaving, she sat at the kitchen table and willed herself not to cry. It wasn’t working and it only made her tears come faster.
There was a soft tap at the back door and Noah called her name. Blindly, she stood and escaped the kitchen, running up the steps to her room. The tears were flowing freely and the racking sobs came next.
Chris had been her rock for almost her entire life. She knew she wasn’t Noah’s type of woman—everyone knew that—but to hear the words from the one man she had thought would never judge her was devastating.
The previous night was a blur, but she vaguely recalled coming on to him. Noah had obviously slept on the couch and nothing had happened between them, proving he was a gentleman and he wasn’t interested.
She let herself cry for a minute longer and wiped away the shameful tears with the flat of her hand. Her heart still ached, but behind the throb was a rush of anger.
Fine, her feelings were hurt, but she’d thrown herself a very fine pity party. Now it was time to pull herself together and give her best friend a piece of her mind. Deciding a long, hot shower was exactly what she needed, she climbed into the ancient clawfoot tub and pulled the curtain.
The shower started upstairs as he pulled his shirt on. Whatever Chris had said before storming off had not been pleasant. The words had been too low for him to hear. He had watched his brother stalk off the porch and to his car before turning to check on Tenn. He would deal with Chris later. Right now he needed to make sure Tenn was dealing with whatever had just transpired.
He pulled his cell out of his jeans and dialed up his bar manager, Molly Ryan, to see if she’d pick up his slack for the afternoon. The pub was due to open at eleven and he obviously wasn’t going to make it. He left a quick voice mail before disconnecting the call.
Tenn would probably take her sweet time in the shower, so he set out to get some breakfast started. Bo peered at him through the screen door and with a quick detour Noah opened the door to let the mutt inside. Placing a fresh bowl of water on the floor, he offered the dog a quick ear rub before turning to the fridge.
Perusing the very bare contents of the fridge, he was hard-pressed to know what Tenn managed to pull together for meals day-to-day. He found a couple of yogurts, expired milk and a container of leftovers from the pub. Absolutely nothing worth eating.
Noah poured the milk down the drain, rinsing the container before tossing it in the trash. He leveled a manly stare at Bo before saying, “We’ve got to feed this woman. She’s going to starve to death if left to her own devices. I’m pretty sure she’s feeding you better than she feeds herself, buddy.”
In reply, Bo only offered a quizzical ear raise before giving a soft whine.
There was nothing for it. He’d have to rouse her from the shower and take her to breakfast.
He took the stairs two at a time. A little part of him wanted to catch her in the shower, beautifully bare, before she was able to get dressed and put distance between them. The shower was still running when he hit the last step. For a brief moment he almost barged in on her, but thought better of it and detoured into her bedroom. Her black thong was still on the floor, next to her little black dress, crumpled and sexy, next to her fuck-me pumps. It was a stark reminder of what he’d missed out on last night.
Noah told himself he wouldn’t be missing out on Tenn’s delectable and sexy self any longer. Picking up the black thong, he rubbed the lacy material through his fingers. He felt slightly perverted for fondling her lingerie, but was helpless to stop himself. The mere sight of her panties made his dick harden.
If he didn’t get inside of her soon he was going to self-combust.
Picking up the dress, he headed for the bathroom across the hall. Without bothering to knock, he pushed the door wide and dropped her clothes into the hamper next to the tub. He couldn’t even make out her form through the dark-cloth shower curtain. It was a huge letdown after handling her lingerie.
“Tenn, are you about done?”
A strangled screech came from behind the shower curtain. “Noah? What in the hell are you doing in here?”
“Woman, I’m waiting on you so we can go get some damn breakfast. I’m starving, and yogurt is not going to cut it for me. Either you hurry your fine ass up or I’m coming in there after you. Naked.”
Tenn’s head whipped around the edge of the curtain. Holding the fabric across her breasts, she eyed him from top to bottom, pausing at the sight of his cock straining against his jeans. “Really?”
It was an uncertain question, one of disbelief and awe, and Noah understood now Chris had made her question Noah’s attraction. He was going to kill his brother—whatever had been said on the porch deserved a good ass
Noah had been dancing around Tenn since the moment he arrived home. Giving her time to get used to him, making sure she was ready for him, that she wanted him and not his brother.
Now was the time to show her exactly how much he needed her. Waiting six months had been a mistake. One he was going to remedy this morning. All thoughts of heading out for breakfast vanished.
He pulled his shirt over his head, baring his chest to her view again. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t utter a protest. He took it as a good sign and reached for the snap of his jeans.
“Wait!” Tenn was breathless and it came out weaker than she’d expected. “Why me, Noah?” She was shivering behind the thin barrier of the shower curtain; the water had gone cold almost five minutes ago.
Tenn couldn’t tear her gaze from Noah’s fierce face, but she reached down to turn the water off before she turned blue and froze to death.
He ignored her question and offered her a sharp look before saying, “Why are you almost blue?”
“Because my water heater is really old and I only have about five minutes of hot water. And I’ve been wallowing in my own self-pity for almost fifteen now.” Belatedly she added, “It’s cold.”
In one quick stride, Noah was face-to-face with her and jerking the curtain out of her death grip. Now she was bared completely before him, both emotionally and physically. She’d asked the one question able to decimate her, even more than Chris’s attack. Why would Noah ever pursue the trusty sidekick? And he hadn’t even bothered to answer her.
He didn’t even glance down at her chest. It was the one part of her body she had no problem appreciating on herself, yet he didn’t even give it a second look. Instead, he wrapped around her the towel she’d laid out and pulled her from the shower like a child. She stood dripping on the tile floor while Noah quickly rubbed her down.
“Damn, Tenn. You are beautiful.” His gaze raked down her body as he held the towel away from her. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for years. Please don’t turn me away now.”
Tennyson Sharpe, independent woman, melted into a puddle of romantic girl.
“Kiss me, Noah.”
With his large hands reverently holding her face, his lips devoured her. This was no gentle introduction but an immediate onslaught, meant to claim. Noah’s massive frame was stooped as he bent to reach her, taking great care while he kissed her senseless.
Reaching up to his shoulders, Tenn gripped his firm muscles and practically climbed his body. Noah immediately straightened, dropping his hands to her bottom, lifting her naked body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed in as close as she could. As her core met his naked abdomen she groaned softly and undulated involuntarily.
Noah’s grip tightened on her ass. He lifted her, raising her several inches, bringing her nipples to his eager mouth. With each suckle and lick across the peaks, Tenn’s inner walls contracted and cream spread across Noah’s flesh as she pressed into him. His face was buried in her chest, alternating between each nipple, offering delicious sensation after delicious sensation. She was wet, needy and about to come.
“Noah. Please.” Her plea came out on a sigh and her head fell back as he continued his onslaught.
He let her slide down his body to her original position at his waist. “Tell me. Please…what?”
With his face inches from her own, Tenn lost her nerve. She couldn’t vocalize her desires. Shaking her head, she bit her lip and didn’t offer an answer.
“Come on, baby. Tell me what you want.” He took her mouth again and she promptly forgot her own name.
Within moments, the cool wall of the bathroom met her back as he pressed her into place. Noah trailed kisses down her face until he reached the tendon at her shoulder and neck and lightly bit down. The love bite was a surprise to Tenn, but no more than when Noah’s erection pressed against her clit. How he had managed to unzip his jeans and get them and his boxer-briefs out of the way was beyond her.
She was so wet his cock slid against her swollen folds, offering a sweet friction she’d never known. He used his hands to raise her up and down his length, spreading her cream, mimicking the actual act.
He was thick and swollen against her pussy. Peeking down the length of their bodies, she watched the head of his cock emerge from her swollen lips, wet and glistening from the evidence of her desire. With a groan, he stopped the movement of her body and his erection throbbed against her clit. She pressed closer, using her legs to give herself leverage.
“You have to tell me, Tenn.” His grip tightened on her buttocks, digging his fingers into the soft flesh there. With a growl he demanded, “Tell me.”
“Noah.” She positioned him at her entrance, held herself there with her ankles around his back. She was wild and she wanted everything he was willing to give in this moment. His resolve weakened as he breached her entrance with a slight lift of his hips. The broad head of his penis stretched her and she responded with another wave of excitement.
This time she kissed him, taking what she wanted from his mouth and rocking her body onto his with a smooth rhythm. Even this excited, her body only allowed an inch of his thick cock entrance, but she reveled in that small victory. He was fighting her, gritting his teeth, holding her ass in place as he waited her out. He wanted the words she wasn’t sure she could say out loud.
“Honey, we’ve got to stop. We need a condom before this battle of wills goes any further.”
She’d been on the pill since college, without any need for it. This was one battle he wasn’t going to win. “I’m on the pill. It’s okay.”
His eyes flared with heat and he took her mouth. “We should still use one.” He looked resolved, even a little pained.
“Tell me you have one.” When he nodded, she finally gave him the words he’d waited for. “Noah, I want you to take me. I want to come all over your cock and I want to feel you come. Fuck me now.”
Chapter Five
Tenn’s blunt words of desire only excited Noah further. They were equally exciting and surprising coming from her lush mouth. He was still holding her delicious ass in place as she struggled to gain more ground on his cock. All thoughts of a condom were lost to the unrelenting fire throbbing in his veins.
There was nothing more he wanted than to slide fully home and claim Tenn as his own, but he wanted this to last. If he got inside her too soon he wouldn’t be able to hold back. He’d been a walking hard-on since she walked into the pub last night in those killer heels.
Impatiently she rocked onto him, gaining another inch as he held himself still, fighting the urge to take her completely. “Tenn, honey, we need to move to the bed. Make this last.” The words came out lower than he expected, it was such a strain to think clearly.
“No. I’ve been waiting for this moment for ten years. I’m not waiting a minute longer.” With those words she braced her ankles at his lower back and rode his cock with an urgency that surprised him. He couldn’t restrain himself any longer and pressed forward.
She stiffened and a flash of pain marred her features. Shocked, he said, “Tenn. You’re a virgin? Honey, why didn’t you tell me?” He laid a quick, tender kiss to her temple and willed his body under control.
He couldn’t pull out if his life depended on it, but he could give her a few moments to get comfortable. Every cell in his body was roaring to claim her, to take without thought, and he fought his urges and stilled.
“We should move to the bed. Your first time should not be pressed up against a bathroom wall.”
“Noah.” His name came out on a soft sigh. “I want you. Here. Like this.”
She moved on him and he tensed to the breaking point, every tendon standing out in sharp relief and his grip tightening on her hips. She was going to be the death of him.
Every instinct in him wanted to take her immediately, roughly, against the wall, to finally claim her. Instead, he lifted her weight and settled her snugly against his hips, his length flexing inside her as
he shifted his weight and walked them from the room.
A sigh of contentment escaped from her perfectly pink lips as each step caused a delicious slide and retreat within her body.
Tennyson was limp and pliant as Noah walked the few steps across the hall. She was pressed against his chest with one of his hands supporting her bottom and the other stroking along her back. It was more erotic than she could have imagined—to feel him in her. After all these years she finally had his hard body against hers.
She was on the verge of another orgasm, poised right on the edge. In a blazing moment of clarity she began to move, increasing the slide of his cock within her, rolling her hips in small circles, creating a tension she had never felt before. Each roll of her hips caused her clit to slide along Noah’s length just right, and she increased the downward pressure, riding him as he walked.
He groaned long and low as she tensed, and a wave of pure ecstasy rolled over her as she convulsed on his cock. After years of flying solo she had never experienced an orgasm so strong or so soul shattering.
She was still moving on him, lengthening her own orgasm, prolonging the sweet torture, as Noah pressed her against the wall a few steps from the bedroom. With a rough growl he pumped into her with wild abandon. It was the most amazing feeling. He held her hips with a punishing grip and used his leverage to move her body against his. She was so wet and pliant his cock bottomed out at her cervix, offering her a brief taste of the fine line between pleasure and pain.
With long, hard strokes he was taking her to another peak. Gripping his broad shoulders with fingers gone white, another orgasm swept over her with an intensity that left her nearly sobbing.
Noah increased the already punishing pace and the hall filled with the sound of their ragged breaths and slapping bodies. As her body began the final descent, Noah gave a bellow and arched one last time into her. She could feel him pulse with his own orgasm. It was a delicious and heady feeling of pure-feminine power. She had taken him to his breaking point and beyond. It was amazing.