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Tapped: A Love on the Rocks Novella Page 3

  "Now, Georgia, Will never gave me your last name."

  "Oh, my apologies." Unwilling to admit to this woman it was because her son didn't even know it. "Burke. Georgia Burke."

  Maribel took a closer look at her, cocking her head to one side. "Dane Burke's sister?"

  Small towns. Christ. "Yes, ma'am."

  "Oh, I just adore that boy and that nephew of yours. They are such a pair."

  Georgia merely smiled and fought the urge to fidget and pull Will's shirt away from her breasts. She was incredibly uncomfortable being practically naked while her one night stand's mother talked about her nephew and her brother. Jesus, Dane was not going to be happy to hear about his sister hooking up with a random guy while he was gone. And there was no freaking way he wasn't going to find out.

  "Now, Georgia, I understand you live in Chicago then?"

  Will practically skidded into the kitchen on his bare feet, carrying the dishes from Maribel's car. "Momma, this smells delicious."

  Georgia grinned. He was so earnest, trying to keep Maribel's attention. But Georgia knew Maribel was no fool. As polite as she'd been, Will's mother knew exactly what she'd interrupted and wasn't the least bit uncomfortable about it.

  Georgia curled her hand into Will's before saying, "Yes, I live in Chicago. But I'm here for a bit while my brother takes the kidlet on a summer road trip. Male bonding at its finest, full of camping and fishing, and absolutely no girls allowed. They even took the dog, but, according to Mason, only because he was a boy."

  Will turned with a confused look on his face, but he didn't say anything, even though he looked like he really wanted to ask her a question. Maribel just watched them, and Georgia started to feel like a bug under a microscope again.

  "Will, try to finish up that job tomorrow a little early. The party will be going on all day and your daddy would love to meet your lady friend."

  Before Will could respond his mother was scooping up her car keys from the counter and making her way out of the kitchen. She turned, taking them in again, and a smile split her face before saying, "Georgia, darling, it was a pleasure to meet you. Now don't you two forget about us tomorrow."

  "Momma! I have a job tomorrow."

  Will only got a quick finger wave as Maribel left as quickly as she appeared.

  "Will Calder, your momma is a force to be reckoned with."

  "Georgia Burke, you have no idea. She must like you, because normally she'd have embarrassed me ten ways to Sunday."

  "Dammit. You know Dane too?"

  Will smiled. That devastating slow grin that made her stomach flutter. "Darling, your brother is the town sheriff. Every local at Fox Lake knows Sheriff Burke."

  Georgia let her head fall to the counter, embarrassed beyond belief. "Fuck my life."

  He laughed, rubbing her back before saying, "Honey, you weren't going to be Just Georgia for long. But, full disclosure, I'm actually pretty good friends with your brother, and I have been known to babysit that nephew of yours."

  All she could do was groan. Of course she picked up the one guy who not only knew her brother, but freaking babysat her seven-year old nephew.

  "I hate you right now. I can't even do a one night stand right!"

  "Hey now, we have another date. I can't be a one night stand if we see each other again. Don't be sullying my choir boy reputation."

  Georgia lifted her head from the counter, giving him her fiercest scowl. "William James Calder," she fumed. "You hit on me first!"

  He choked out a laugh. "That I most certainly did." He leaned in with a quick kiss. "I had to scoop you up before someone beat me to it."

  Hell, when the man said sweet things like that Georgia just wanted to keep him.


  "I'm really sorry it took me so long to get back in here. My little brother pulled in while I was grabbing the food. So, I had to tell him momma was here and he hit the road pretty damn quick."

  Will was pretty sure Georgia was going to bolt. Instead she surprised him when she stood and stripped off the flannel she'd stolen from his clean clothes.

  Every delectable inch of her was exposed to his gaze.


  "Yes, Georgia?"

  "I am still enthusiastically consenting to some very hot sex. Unless you've changed your mind?"

  "Woman, a pack of wild dogs couldn't make me change my mind."

  "Good, then get naked again."

  More than happy to do Georgia's bidding, Will stripped off his sweats and followed her sexy ass back into the bedroom. Georgia crawled in his bed, on all fours, and rolled to her side. And his dick fervently enjoyed the view.

  He took a moment to pull an unopened box of condoms out of his night stand and ripped the top open. Will pulled one out before joining Georgia on the bed.

  She took the foil wrapper from his hand and gave a slight shove to one shoulder, pushing him on his back. There was nothing better than a woman that knew what she wanted in bed, and Georgia wasn't the least bit shy about taking what she wanted.

  Will's eyes almost rolled into the back of his head when she straddled him letting his cock rest against her pussy lips. But she didn't. Instead, she gripped him tight and rolled the latex down his length.


  At the sound of her voice his eyes snapped open, but he could only nod in response.

  She held his cock in that unyielding grip of hers and tapped the very tip of it against her clit. Jesus. She was going to kill him. But what a way to go.

  "Are you enthusiastically consenting to letting me ride this," she squeezed him again, "very nice dick right now?"

  A growl ripped from his throat and Georgia giggled. She was about to say something, but Will's patience snapped. Grabbing her wrists and yanking her forward. He pulled her to his chest before rolling her to her back with his weight pressing her down.

  Around a throaty laugh she said, "I guess you want to do the fucking here."

  He kissed her, quick and hard. "Damn straight. That filthy mouth of yours has me in knots."

  Will pulled away, resting back on his heels and yanking Georgia by the hips to press her bare pussy against the hard length of his cock.

  "Fuck." She arched her back, searching for his touch, and putting every beautiful curve of hers on display for his pleasure.

  * * *

  Will was looming above her with those impossibly large shoulders and arms full of corded muscles as he let her rub against his hard dick. His hands gripped her hips, but he only let her slide up and down, never allowing her to work the angle to pull his cock deep inside where she needed it. She wanted to tease him, but it was a tossup on who was really in charge right now.

  As much as Georgia would like to slow it down and savor this ridiculously hot one night stand, they were both too far gone to draw this out. Will's grip on her hips was unforgiving, and that show of dominance just ratcheted up her need.

  Maybe it was how intense he looked, or maybe it was that she felt the same way, like she couldn't wait a second longer to feel his thick length slide home. She was burning from the inside out and Will was with her every step of the way, so in tune that his desire fed hers, creating an endless loop of fierce hunger.

  Georgia gave an almost guttural moan. "Stop torturing me."

  Will's mouth kicked up on one side in a small smile. "Honey, you're doing all the work here."

  She stilled her movement, letting her ass drop down and rest on his thighs. "Fine."

  He outright laughed, a deep and booming sound that she felt down to her toes. Hidden behind the need and desire, tucked deep down, she knew this man could undo her. But she pushed that thought away. Whatever she was feeling for Will Calder was not meant for this moment. A smart woman did not fall for her one night stand. That way lay stupidity and suffering.

  Instead, she matched his laugh and enjoyed the moment. His wide smile, the eyes that reminded her of a rich bar of dark chocolate, the work-rough hands at her hips, and the small intake of breath when s
he canted her hips enough to get just the tip of his cock right where she wanted it.

  The smile fell from Will's face and he leaned forward. "Georgia?"


  Another small smile. "I need you to tell me how you like it." She rocked her hips. "Christ, woman. You have five seconds. Slow and sweet? Fast and dirty?"

  "Come down here and kiss me."

  "So bossy."

  But Will leaned down, holding himself away, not letting his weight press into her. She snaked both hands up to circle his neck, tugging him down and the sudden movement forced his cock deeper.

  When his lips touched hers she could feel the tension radiating from every part of his body, holding so much back from her. Georgia wanted Will to give in, relax into his pleasure and enjoy it. She pulled away from the kiss, smoothing a hand down his spine.

  "Hey. Look at me." She waited until Will's eyes slowly opened and met hers. "You don't need to over think this right now. If we start down a path I'm not comfortable with, I'll tell you. Okay?"

  "I need you to tell me. I'll give you whatever you want, but I need to hear it."

  This man. The fucking power to undo her.

  "Right now, right this minute, I want it hard and a little rough." She touched his cheek, running a finger across the summer-tanned skin there. "Now are you going to fuck me or talk me to death?"

  Georgia expected another laugh or smile, but Will took her mouth with an urgency that bordered on desperate. The second his tongue delved past her lips, his hips powered forward. Giving her exactly what she wanted.


  Will barely had a handle on his restraint here. The hunger he had for the woman before him defied all logic. Georgia's sharp intake of breath as he entered her fully only heightened his craving.

  Holding still, he took her mouth again. Will needed to rein it in, pay attention to her cues and give Georgia exactly what she needed. As much as he wanted to get lost in the moment, they didn't have a history and he needed to learn her. Because they may have rushed through the foreplay, but Will could still make it good for Georgia.

  The kiss lingered, softened, but Georgia wasn't letting that last. She pulled back and looked him in the eye. "Will."

  Her bossy tone just made him harder. Not even a little ashamed to admit he liked his women strong, he couldn't help but beg. "Say it again."

  A smile kicked up one corner of her mouth. "Will." The smile fell away. "If you don't start the fucking, I'm going to go find your shower and take care of my damn self."

  He laughed, even though he was pretty sure she wasn't even kidding a little bit. "Bossy."

  Georgia glared at him, a squinty-eyed stare that was adorable with her nerd glasses still perched on her face. He reached up and tapped a finger to the edge of the frame. "You going to wear these or do you want them off?"

  "If I take them off, I can't see all your hotness. So, they stay for round one."

  Happy to hear that she was thinking ahead and not ready to rush out his door post-sex, he couldn't hide the smile. One last kiss, a quick tangle of tongues, before Will pushed up to rest on his knees again. His cock slid free as he sat back.

  Georgia opened her mouth to speak, but Will beat her to the punch. "Unless you're about to start some dirty talk, hush."

  She laughed, tossing her hands over her face as she giggled. Taking advantage of their positions, Will yanked Georgia by the hips. Her laughter abruptly died and she gripped his hands on her hips.

  "About damn time."

  Will pushed forward, hands still clutching her luscious hips, and slid his dick home. Slow, so slow, he savored every flutter of Georgia's eyes, the unhurried intake of breath, her slight arch to meet his thrust.

  Was there a word stronger than gorgeous? If there was, Will didn't know it, but Georgia was the embodiment of everything beautiful in a woman. Dark hair tumbling from her complicated twist, lush curves on display, a hint of that sexy red lipstick still on her mouth, and her eyes so intense he couldn't look away.

  * * *

  Georgia was moments away from breaking apart. She'd asked for it fast and a little rough, but Will was taking his time. This dead sexy man was solely focused on her and what he could do for her. Will Calder was intoxicating. And he felt important. More than just a random hook-up, that one night stand she'd been looking for. He was big.

  The mere thought scared Georgia. Let alone the deeply emotional sex they were having. But Georgia was the queen of pushing her emotions aside, and tonight was no exception.

  Instead of embracing the erotic intensity between them, Georgia picked up the pace. Pushing Will's control and forcing him out of focusing solely on her and her pleasure.

  Raking her nails down his chest and rolling her hips to meet his thrusts caused him to grip her hips tighter. That small sign of dominance, the small bite of pain, just ratcheted up her desire another notch.

  Georgia cupped both breasts in her hands. The moment Will finally let his gaze travel away from her face she knew he was on the brink of losing control. Finally.

  His pace quickened, his thrusts becoming faster, deeper, more insistent and Georgia met him halfway every time. Where laughter and soft smiles had been earlier, the only thing between them was harsh breathing and the rhythmic sound of bodies coming together.

  She was so close, right on the edge of that elusive orgasm. She couldn't even remember the last orgasm she'd had that wasn't self-induced. But Will was going to change all that right now, right here.

  Georgia let her eyes drift shut, just for a moment, and Will loosened his hold on her hips to smooth up her thighs and grip there. He pushed her thighs wider, forcing her to slow her movements as she was spread open as far as she could go.

  "Fuck," he bit out. "I need you to come, Georgia."

  "Stop being a fucking gentleman and fuck me."

  His head snapped up. "Bossy."

  Will smiled, but it wasn't the normal curve of his lips. This smile was predatory, and it thrilled her to see this side of him. When he powered into her, she gasped, feeling the shock down to her toes.

  And he just kept going, driving in hard and pulling out slowly. Over and over again. Until Georgia felt like she was going to climb out of her skin, but Will never relented. He held her thighs in a tight grip, every muscle in his arms and neck standing out in relief as he worked her over.

  Finally, he leaned down and took her mouth, sliding his hands into her hair in the process. His pace never slowed or changed, but the angle did and the difference pushed her over the edge.

  Georgia's entire body tensed, tightened, as the orgasm rolled over her. She felt like she was going to break apart, the intensity of her release not waning quickly.

  "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Will's pace became erratic as he chanted in a low voice. "Fuck."

  As he came, pounding into her harder, Georgia finally felt her orgasm break and her muscles relaxed. Will collapsed on top of her briefly before rolling away and pulling her with him, hugging her close in the classic cuddle position, her head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her back.

  Georgia's eyes were drifting shut when Will said, "Hold that thought."

  He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before moving off the bed. She heard him in the bathroom, probably dealing with the condom and cleaning up. But she was too focused on the overly sweet forehead kiss to be worried about anything else.


  By the time Will made it back to Georgia, only five minutes had passed. But instead of setting up an impromptu picnic like he wanted, he set the leftovers on the dresser and pulled the comforter over a deliciously naked and very much asleep Georgia.

  Without a doubt, Will knew he was in serious danger here. Georgia was the whole package, smart, funny, and smoking hot.

  Will glanced at the clock on his nightstand and started calculating how much sleep he could fit in before his work day started. He grabbed the food and headed back to the kitchen. There was enough time in his schedule to devour
a piece of pie and a quick shower, but little else if he wanted to function for his meeting in the morning.

  He took a few minutes to clean up the kitchen and pull the clothes scattered around into a neat stack on the edge of the couch. Will never spent long in the shower, but wasn't in any particular hurry and took a few minutes longer than normal, but in the end, it was just enough time to come out and find Georgia gone.

  He knew as soon as he left the bathroom and the bed was empty.

  "Damn, woman." Even though she was missing, he couldn't help but mutter aloud.

  Will pulled on a pair of boxer briefs before walking through the house, checking on Rowe and locking the doors as he went. He entered the kitchen to find a hastily scribbled phone number on the back of a receipt.

  Nothing more, but Will took it as a very good sign. A very good sign, indeed.

  Not that she was getting away from him. She hadn't put it together yet, but she was going to be in for a big surprise tomorrow morning when he showed up for the job. At her brother's house.

  * * *

  Georgia felt like a total asshole for running out on Will last night. But when she'd woken up with him in the shower, she'd panicked. That damn forehead kiss.

  Will Calder was dangerous. And she had no business falling for her one night stand.

  So she'd bailed, literally ran out on him in record time. She'd even left her panties and bra in his coffee table with the hidden compartment. Not that Georgia cared as she was trying not to get busted running down the street barefoot.

  Thankfully she'd made it to her car without being caught, and the Drunken Duck was still in full swing. Hopefully that meant her brother wouldn't be any the wiser when it was all said and done. A little sister could dream.

  She had about fifteen minutes before the architect and builder were supposed to be here to discuss the work schedule and plans for the next few weeks. Dane had finalized most of the details but was happy to include Georgia in some of the decisions. The plan was to convert the walk-up attic into a guest room that would really just be Georgia's when she visited.