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Tapped: A Love on the Rocks Novella Page 5

  She could feel his erection on her hip and she wanted to grind against his hand, entice him to lose control and just take her on the beach. All thoughts of getting caught long gone.

  "Pull your top down. Show me those beautiful tits, Georgia."

  Immediately she complied, more than happy to tug the top down and under her breasts, exposing her to his view.

  "Fuck yes." Will gave another tug to her hair and Georgia's pussy fluttered. "Tell me if I get too rough, okay?"

  He sounded uncertain, but Georgia was loving everything he was giving her and all she could do was give a tight nod.

  "Say it, Georgia. I need to know we're on the same page."

  Her legs were barely holding her up, but she bit out, "Enthusiastic consent."

  She could feel his smile on her cheek before he kissed her there.

  * * *

  Will's control was pulled so tight he feared it would snap if he started to move. But Georgia's pussy was wet and ready and he couldn't keep her hanging on forever.

  He pulled his fingers free, skimmed them over her clit again, and slid them home. He kept his pace slow, letting her adjust. He watched her tits sway with the movement, but when he pulled out and pushed back in again, rougher this time, she arched her back and moaned low in her throat.

  And then he did lose control, just like he anticipated. He bit down on her shoulder and just pounded her with his fingers, letting her cream coat them to pull out and swirl around her clit again. He kept the pace brutal, no more easy strokes, just a thorough fucking with his fingers until he felt her pussy grip him and she came with a long moan.

  Her thighs were shaking as he dropped down to his knees and yanked her bottoms out of the way. Will placed his mouth to her pussy and lapped at her clit while still pumping his fingers.

  Georgia gave another long and low groan, and he felt her roll over into another orgasm. This time, he gentled her with slow strokes of his tongue and pulled his fingers free. She was panting and her legs were still quaking.

  Will spent a moment pulling her bathing suit bottoms back in place before standing and then repeated the action with her top. He took her mouth in a fierce kiss, and Will knew Georgia could taste herself on his lips.

  "Christ, Will. You are going to ruin me for other men."

  "That's the plan."

  She laughed and kissed him again. "Maybe I want to ruin you for other women now."

  He didn't have the heart to tell her she already had. "Show me what you got, lady."

  "Did you bring any condoms?"

  Will winced. "I didn't."

  "No worries, then."

  She made good on her statement when she slid down to her knees, dragging a hand down his chest as she went. Georgia tugged at his suit until his dick was exposed, but she took her time before taking a hold of him.

  Her nails dug into his hip and he gave an involuntary jerk at her touch. This woman could tie him up in knots with just a look, let alone when she got a tiny bit rough. Will was beyond primed, and when Georgia sucked just the tip into her mouth, he had to bite back the kind of moan that would've startled every bird on the island.

  There was something primal about watching a woman take your cock in her mouth, but Will knew who was really in charge. Georgia ruled him with just the touch of her tongue and a firm grip at the base of his dick. Damn, she owned him.

  In a matter of moments Will was right there, ready to come, and he tried to pull back. They definitely had not discussed her preferences on where he should shoot his load, but he was pretty sure in her mouth wasn't high on her list.

  She took the hint and pulled away, still working him with her fist. When she pointed the tip at her chest with a smile on her mouth, Will couldn't hold back any longer. There was a moment he saw heaven as his eyes rolled back in his head.

  Definitely ruined for other women. Christ.


  They swam, they ate, they sat around a campfire and watched the fireworks. All in all, it was the kind of day Georgia would've called perfect. But the evening was winding down, and Georgia and Will were pulling up in front of Dane's house.

  "You want to come in?"

  Will smiled, "I've got to get back to Rowe. I left the doggy door open for her today since she's not comfortable with the crowds at the cookouts. The kids just adore her, but they kind of freak her out. I don't like to leave her home alone at night."

  This guy. "Okay. I'll see you Monday morning, right?"

  "Yes, with my entire crew in tow. But we could have our third date tomorrow."

  "You're not tired of me yet?"

  Will brushed her hair back from her face before saying, "Never."

  "Oh, you say that now." She was smiling, but deep down there was a thread of truth to that fear. "We're going to burn hot and fast and then you'll be ready to move on."

  "If anyone's going to be doing the moving on, I suspect it will be you and not me."

  That put a frown on Georgia's face. "Will?"


  She turned to face him, angling her body in the passenger seat a bit more. "Can I just lay this out on the line? Are you ready for that?"

  Will mirrored her, facing her in the driver's seat, before saying, "Hit me. I can take it."

  "We've known each other somewhere in the area of thirty hours." He nodded in agreement. "It's crazy that I want more from you. I know it's crazy."

  "Definitely." But he was smiling, and she returned it.

  "A month ago I caught my live-in boyfriend fucking my best friend in my bed. I mean, I was a mess until I got here. I went out last night to pick up a random dude and have my first one night stand. But you're not. A one night stand, I mean."

  "That's the plan here, darling."

  "Really? You really want to date the girl who just left a bad relationship with a cheating bastard, who's staying with her brother and his kid for the summer, the same one who technically lives fifteen hours away? That's the girl you want to date?"

  "Yes. That's the girl I want to date. The one that's witty and vibrant, the one who has the best smile and the kindest eyes, the one who makes me want to be everything she's looking for. That girl."

  * * *

  Will and Georgia had sat in the car for hours. Just talking. About Georgia's big life goals, about his crazy family, about how he'd learned hand signals to communicate with his deaf dog, but most importantly they laughed. About everything and nothing. It was easy, like two puzzles pieces that fit just right.

  When Georgia finally nodded off, curled up in the passenger seat of his car, he drove them back to his place. She was out like a light, and he was happy to carry her into the house. After greeting Rowe and giving her some long overdue attention, he locked up the house and joined her in bed. He'd pulled her sandals off earlier, but at some point she'd woken up long enough to strip down to nothing and pulled the sheet up over her shoulders, still dead to the world.

  Will was just nodding off next to her, clad in only his boxer briefs, when he heard his front door open. Thankfully Rowe was asleep at the foot of the bed and didn't notice the intruder, but Will climbed to his feet feeling exhausted after the long day.

  It was most certainly his dumb brother. Because who else would just walk into his house at three in the morning? No one.

  "Fucking hell, Jack. It's the middle of the night."

  "Dude. I'm sorry. I just need a place to crash."

  "What's wrong with your place?" His brother cut him a sharp look, but didn't answer him. "Spill."

  "Mom offered my spare room to one of her book club girls. I think that woman invited the entire damn town and the next one to the cookout."


  Jack practically fell onto the couch and whined, "It was a set up. And this girl is hella brazen, man. I had to escape."

  Only his brother would think a woman coming on to him was a problem. "Fine, you can have the couch. But I have company tonight, so no running around naked and scratching your balls. Or hitting on
my girl."

  "Georgia's here?"

  "You even think about flirting with her I will rip your spleen out."

  "Got it. Hands off your girlfriend." Jack rolled his eyes. "You do realize I left a perfectly willing woman back at my own place, right? I didn't come over here to poach. Which I wouldn't do in the first damn place."

  "You ran away from your own house because ballsy ladies scare you to death."

  "Truth, brother. Ain't no shame."

  Will chuckled. His brother lived a quiet life of nerd pursuits and would eventually, hopefully, find a nice quiet woman to settle down with. But it would be a long courtship before his little brother got out of his own way.

  Around a yawn Jack asked, "When did you meet the delightful Georgia anyway?"

  "Last night."

  His brother sat up so quick he almost fell off the couch. "What the what?"

  "You heard me." Will glared down at his brother. "You don't get to have an opinion on my relationship."

  "You're awful defensive about some chick you just met."

  "Unless you want to get beat the fuck down, you will stop your mouth right now. When you speak about Georgia, you speak with respect or you can get the fuck out."

  Jack threw his hands up. "Understood. Damn, man. Shit just got real."

  "She's important, Jack. Don't be an ass."

  His brother sobered and reclined back on the couch again. "I'm happy for you. She seems nice. Too good for you, but whatever."


  Jack smiled at him before flipping the bird. "Now go away. I'm tired."

  Will left his brother to fend for himself, not even bothering to get him a blanket or a pillow. He could find them himself for all Will cared.

  Georgia was sitting up, yawning, when he made it back to the bedroom. "Hey."

  "I'm sorry if we woke you. My brother needed a place to crash."

  She patted the space next to her. "Come back to bed."

  "You're not going to run off on me again tonight?"

  Georgia laughed, a low throaty sound that wrapped around his dick. "I'll never live that down."


  "Come on. I'm enthusiastically consenting," she paused with a wicked smile on her face, "to getting some sleep."

  He crawled in next to her, and Georgia curled next to him, resting her head on his chest. They were quiet for a few minutes, listening to the sounds of the night and settling in.

  Georgia traced circles on his chest in a slow arc. "I heard what you and your brother were saying."


  "Yeah. You're important too."

  Will's heart thumped in his chest. This was that moment. The moment he'd look back on and remember when he knew they were the real deal. Georgia Burke was going to be his forever.


  Exactly one year from that first night at the Drunken Duck, Will and Georgia celebrated their anniversary with drinks on the patio with their friends and family. It was a warm summer night on the lake and Georgia was surrounded by the most important people in her life.

  Their group was loud and boisterous, and everyone was talking over everyone else. Until the moment Will got down on one knee and a hush fell over the entire crowd.

  Eyes filling with tears, she fought them back. She would not be a sobbing mess right now. But damn if they didn't start to fall.

  Will smiled up at her, flashing the dimple she loved so much, while he wiped her tears with the flat of his thumb. "Georgia, a year ago I knew the moment we met that you were 'that girl'. The girl with the best smile and the kindest eyes, the one who makes me want to be everything she's looking for. Let me spend the rest of my life being that guy. Will you marry me?"

  Jesus, this guy. Through her tears she finally whispered, "Yes." Georgia knew this was that moment. The moment she'd look back on and remember how that one night stand became forever.

  About the Author

  Nestled away in a small town in Ohio, I spend my days adding delicious books to my library, snuggling with my three rotten dogs, and debating the finer points of life with the dear husband.

  When I'm not tucked away with a book you can be find me tapping away at my laptop. With coffee. And my playlist.

  You can find Cora online at:



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  Also by Cora Cade

  Morning Light

  Two in the Afternoon